Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Its war time again!

Lately i have been so busy preparing for audit. the monthly maintenance is sure a tough thing for me to monitor as certain things requires very close monitoring. but some things that my colleagues are not working and end up i have to do all these shit. audit now is a game of how ready are you for war. are you doing your daily job and all?

WHATEVER to whatever he says! i hate going out with you as of now! man!!! you're a turn off! i can't understand why you always behave this way. thinking that you're always right and not being humble enough despite being soft to you. are you taking advantage of friends? if that's the case, i will choose to end this friendship, to end your pain and angry every time when you ask me out.
can't take anymore of your bullshit! sickening feeling i feel down my spine!

from the last time i blog till today, things were doing great! God have indeed blessed me with so many things! i'll glad and happy but i am ashame that i did not pray much. i have to stand firm and pray as often as i can!

sigh~! i can't wait to get a date! i can't wait to get her into my arms! she's hanging in mid-air in my heart, somethings troubled over her because of the situation that i am in. depressed and confused!

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