Sunday, April 19, 2009


I finally got the bible that i have been eyeing for. Though i have not started reading it today, but i'm believing for FRESH REVELATION FROM HEAVEN.

My first own purchased Message Bible, i'm counting on you for my coming offering messages and sermons that is ahead of me.

Thank you JESUS for the FRESH REVELATION !!!

i love YOU !

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Everything needs time...

When a chef cooks his steak, he will always have to watch the fire and texture of the meat.

Fire too big -> cook time lesser
Fire too small -> cook time longer
Meat too thick -> cook time longer
Meat too thin -> cook time lesser

Working at my new workplace really tested my skills in the area of management. I now realise that I have failed to manage my things well enough and often find myself doing wrong things one after another. I have focus on the wrong things time and again. Many a times I'm feeling kinda sick of myself doing the wrong thing most the time.

I really thank God that even though I have been doing wrong things time and over again, my co-workers are still kind enough to teach me patiently to suggest and guide me a better way to complete a task.

I can't wait to have another breakthrough in the area of my work. I have been spending too much time... How can I breakthrough to the next level of multi tasking?

In office, where does it stands in the profiling?
D, I, S or C ???
In my own profiling, i'm in the centre. Sometimes i'm so stuck.
when i turn left, I sometimes turn too much to the left and forgot about the right.
when i turn right, I sometimes turn too much to the right and forgot about the left.

Conclusion -> I HAVE TO look at my left and right not too much and not too little. I need to talk more.


Dear God, this is Your to-do list that I believe You can do to me:
1) Good memory capacity
2) Mutli task breakthrough to another level
3) Able to complete more things within a short period of time
4) Able to manage time, transport expenses, stocks movement records well
5) Another breakthrough of communications with co-workers

God, please help me. I entrust my hope on You.

Monday, April 6, 2009

the down of the down, now going up...

after the magazine promoter, everything was finally over... as i started my career with Attributes, things was rough for me... i was being enlarged, so much so that the enlargement process shag me out... there was a period of time where i had not enough rest, 1st to reach and last or 2nd last to leave... that was when i have poor priority management...

there were so many type of management for me to learn... even though i had experience from army, but the job scope was totally different even though it is still under the "LOGISTIC FAMILY"

i was piled with work load, load that i have never seen before, so heavy for me to carry alone... slowly as i focus one by one, completing them instead of 100%, i complete them at 80%. because i cannot afford to focus 100% on 1 thing and leave the rest undone. when i complete like 80% of many things, the overall completion rate was higher then the 100% that i have been focusing on. though i know this theory, i couldnt put them into use because i was a perfectionist! i want to complete 100% before i go into the next thing but i realise that i can't, not because i couldn't...

life was really packed up, mainly with work. working in the house of God was really great because i am exposed to more stress. you guys might think i'm crazy to say this but, the more stress that is on you, the more you will be expanded in terms of details and managements.

pastor also said before that no problem is greater then the God we serve... instead, turn to the problem and tell the problem that the God i serve and worship is bigger than them...

i was watching this video for the first time. it was mind blowing!!! all should watch... no kidding you! it tells you how small you are and how big God is... amazing video...

we are small, yet God chose to dwell in us. hmmm... how does God's full presence feels like? i'm hungry for it... i am building my foundation again! back to first love...