Sunday, September 7, 2008

Freedom is nearing

Phase 1 has passed. it was a big "phew" thing to me! i was so under pressure till the documents were hand in at the end of first week. now the battle of phase 2, Sunday got to return back to camp to prepare all the places are done up properly. suddenly i feel that time is clicking so slow when you want it fast and so fast when you want it slow.

i can't wait for phase 3 to end too. i hope that phase 2 and 3 will end together in this coming week. maybe very unlikely i can complete phase 3 this coming week because there are too many documents to vet through, but still i hope that it will be done this week. looking through numbers... of goodness... will my maths improve after that? maybe since my maths is always on average. haha! but looking through these number is sure painful! hopefully i don't have to deal too much with these numbers ever again.

like many always say "Patience is a virtue", for now i can do nothing but wait. taming my patience is really a big challenge. how should i do it? slow and steady, and enjoy the challenge and get myself maxed out? or is there another better way of taming patience? is it within my control or out of my control? why is waiting so painful? why is my freedom coming so slowly?

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