Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Days after CNY

Life indeed have a curve, curve of ups and downs. just when my life is picking up, my finances are going at the same time, lower and faster then i can ever thought of... My manager is delaying my pay... Goodness! i have no simple idea why is he doing so.

Letters after letters, reminders after reminders from those companies. I was unable to make payments due to such matters. My mind was really pushed to the edge, As i pray hard, persistant praying, somehow there are food coming my way and i didn't pay a cent. Sometimes when there is no sales, i wil just make a simple prayer by asking God to give me 1 sales and indeed it really came.

God has been faithful and has been answering to prayers that i requested. During the morning prayer meeting from 9th to 13th Feb, i attended all of the prayer meetings. Throughout all the prayer meetings, i wil be asking for the same thing over and over, again and again. seeking persistantly and some have already taken place.

Today i also had an interview at attributes, had an initial round of interview with Gilian and Valerie. I have no idea on what the outcome will be like but i hope that the outcome will be positive and will engage me to work. I hope that they will call me up for round 2 of interview. =)

Thank you Lord for everything You have done in my life. I now ask for revival to take place!

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