after the 24km route march, it also marks the end of the BMT phase! burning my army open house weekend, BMT field camp weekend. 2 weekend burn straight in a row, my buddy said that i have worn out and i really need a break! by than, my mind is already very confused with work. everything seems to be going the wrong way. i just couldn't find out the answer why until my buddy told me that i need a freaking long break! i got myself 7 days of off and i am already very glad that at least i escape from work for a while and have a good break.
time really fly faster than working hours... just a blink and 2 weeks of off and leave is coming to an end.. kinda sad as i cannot continue working on Monday and Tuesday and stay at home the rest of the days... hai~ i now want this kinda life... and now i am wanting to have my life like that... I'm gonna give myself a chance that by 30, i should be waking up at 9, having brunch with friends around 11. have high tea at 3 plus or 4, exercise by the beach at evening time, dinner by the beach. more like you go for a resort in sentosa or tioman. i wish for this life now and i wanna make it happen. by 30 yrs old, which is 6 years from now, i want this dream to be fulfilled.
during this 2 week break, my buddy brought me along doing his delivery as he is working as a delivery boy. better than staying at home, it is more fun to be out, especially a friend that have already treat you like his blood brother. i am the eldest and never had an elder brother or sister so every time when i need opinion, he is the first one that i will talk to and ask him how he feels about it. i never talk to my mum is because she always wants me to make the safest decision. as we all know now, there isn't a decision that will be safe and everything involves risk. i just wonder why can't my mum let me do what i want to do.
anyway, i got to meet this young lady, name Selin, during the first week of break. i get to know her through wholivesnearyou. she was a busy person studying in SIM and at the same time in Sunshine Empire. somehow, i like to look into her eyes, i just don't know why. an unexplained feeling is what i felt when i looked into her eyes. i just enjoy looking at her, no matter how busy i was, how tired i felt or how sick i am, just a simple eye contact or a smile from her will max my energy bar. but the problem now is that she wants to be remained single and make money work for her.
i cant explain why i like her. could it be that i'm out of love for too long any any girls that came to my line is likable? i hope this is not the reason why i'm liking her. or is there a reason that you must have to like a person? can someone answer me ?
time really fly faster than working hours... just a blink and 2 weeks of off and leave is coming to an end.. kinda sad as i cannot continue working on Monday and Tuesday and stay at home the rest of the days... hai~ i now want this kinda life... and now i am wanting to have my life like that... I'm gonna give myself a chance that by 30, i should be waking up at 9, having brunch with friends around 11. have high tea at 3 plus or 4, exercise by the beach at evening time, dinner by the beach. more like you go for a resort in sentosa or tioman. i wish for this life now and i wanna make it happen. by 30 yrs old, which is 6 years from now, i want this dream to be fulfilled.
during this 2 week break, my buddy brought me along doing his delivery as he is working as a delivery boy. better than staying at home, it is more fun to be out, especially a friend that have already treat you like his blood brother. i am the eldest and never had an elder brother or sister so every time when i need opinion, he is the first one that i will talk to and ask him how he feels about it. i never talk to my mum is because she always wants me to make the safest decision. as we all know now, there isn't a decision that will be safe and everything involves risk. i just wonder why can't my mum let me do what i want to do.
anyway, i got to meet this young lady, name Selin, during the first week of break. i get to know her through wholivesnearyou. she was a busy person studying in SIM and at the same time in Sunshine Empire. somehow, i like to look into her eyes, i just don't know why. an unexplained feeling is what i felt when i looked into her eyes. i just enjoy looking at her, no matter how busy i was, how tired i felt or how sick i am, just a simple eye contact or a smile from her will max my energy bar. but the problem now is that she wants to be remained single and make money work for her.
i cant explain why i like her. could it be that i'm out of love for too long any any girls that came to my line is likable? i hope this is not the reason why i'm liking her. or is there a reason that you must have to like a person? can someone answer me ?
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