Friday, March 9, 2007

Rehearsal on ORD parade

The whole day, the parade square was filled with soldiers marching up and down, left and right. For me, I got nothing much to do, so I just lie around until afternoon, than I was told to have a timed run by one of the officer to see how he can help me in 2.4km run. That was my biggest problem. It was quite hard for me to finish the last 800 meters because I took around 10 minutes of my time; my officer gave up also because he knew I am in pain. I had a bit of breathing difficulty and he can see that I did not give up. He did not press me on to continue to run.

At night I went to Jalan Kayu with Ranger and Fahmy again to have some prata to fill ourselves. Soon after we head back to camp and have a good night rest for tomorrow’s parade.

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